The Top 3 Tapes That Save Time, Cost And Improve Your Carbon Impact.

Tapes. Brilliant when they work well, but what about when they don’t? Here at Bridge Johnson, we have an extensive range of tapes on offer. Whether you want to save time, optimise cost or reduce environmental impact, we have it covered. We supply reliable tape to food and beverage factories (and more) nationally. Check out our top 3 most popular options here!

Want To Get Your Team On Board With New Packaging Processes?

A recurring obstacle to a successful cost-reduction exercise in packaging is that packaging buyers find resistance from operational staff. For procurement teams trying to achieve consolidation across a group whose packaging has ticked along for years, even collating the current spec sheets across all items can be a huge challenge! Now, this is understandable as […]

This Is How The New UK Plastic Tax Could Cost Your Business, And How We Can Help

The end of the financial year is rapidly approaching, and while resolutions are a little different than in January, cutting back on operational expenses is usually a top priority for businesses. This uptick in prices is down to the upcoming UK Plastics Tax, but what is it and why is it costing your business money? Find out more in our blog.

Should You Be Using A Biodegradable Pallet Wrap?

It’s become common for products to be branded as ‘environmentally friendly’ based on popular beliefs. One of the biggest myths in the industry is the assumption that biodegradable materials are automatically good for the planet. In this blog, we’re delving into the facts behind the branding and debunking some misconceptions, to help sustainably-minded companies to make the best-informed decisions.

Global Recycling Day: How Reusing Materials Helps Make The World More Green

March 18th marked the 5th Global Recycling Day, a worldwide initiative started by the Global Recycling Foundation. This UN recognised holiday gives us an opportunity to take a look at our waste and ask ourselves how we can do better. Recycling is essential. For us and for our planet, reusing materials makes a huge difference to the environment.

The Top 4 Common Packaging Mistakes That Could Be Costing You Money

Many businesses are unaware that seemingly small missteps in their packaging process can have a big impact on their bottom line. In this blog, we’ll go over four of the most common mistakes that could be costing your business money, why they affect your budget, and how you can avoid them.

3 Finance Options For Pallet Wrappers

If you’re unsure how to acquire the optimal pallet wrapper for your packaging process, we have it sorted. In this blog, we’re breaking down three of our purchase options that allow your business to improve productivity, safety and security.

What Does Making Packaging Effortless Really Mean?

We take pride in taking an in-depth approach to all of our clients and creating an operation that caters to all KPIs. Whether it’s cutting packaging spending, reducing your carbon footprint or boosting productivity, we have it covered. But how do we do it? In this blog, we’re breaking down some of the factors that set us apart from the crowd, and how we help our clients get the results they want.Here at Bridge Johnson, we’ve been bringing innovative packaging solutions to businesses all over the UK for more than a decade. Our team of experts has delivered hundreds of solutions tailored to the specific needs of different dispatch operations. We work with some of the biggest food and beverage companies in Britain and many leading FMCG brands, and with a 99.6% satisfaction rate, the results speak for themselves!

With our level of experience, we understand that finding the areas where you can improve, achieving a balanced alignment across all departments and implementing new processes can all be incredibly demanding. That’s where we come in.

We take pride in taking an in-depth approach to all of our clients and creating an operation that caters to all KPIs. Whether it’s cutting packaging spending, reducing your carbon footprint or boosting productivity, we have it covered. But how do we do it? In this blog, we’re breaking down some of the factors that set us apart from the crowd, and how we help our clients get the results they want.

The Top 4 Factors That Slow Down Your Dispatch Operation

Our packaging specialists can help take the pressure off by helping your site pack faster, ease stress and ensure your operation runs like a well-oiled machine. In this blog, our experienced founder Jon is giving you the rundown on four of the most common slowdowns that we help resolve every day.

Your Complete Guide To Adhesive Tape

Here at Bridge Johnson, we aim to make packaging products simple and accessible. So, if the difference between hot melt adhesive and masking tape is a mystery, we’re here to help. In this blog, we’re breaking down the facts behind one of the most used industrial packaging solutions. Our comprehensive guide to solvent tape, hotmelt tape and acrylic tape will ensure you find the optimised tape for you.

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