The Perfect Hand Wrapping Technique For Your Your Next Pallet Is Just Six Steps Away
Step 1: Find The Perfect Pallet For The Job

Choosing the right pallet makes a huge difference to the finished product. After all, it’s the foundation for your entire load, so it’s important to ensure you have a good base. With the right pallet, you can easily move onto the best way to wrap a pallet. So, what should you look out for when choosing the perfect pallet? Firstly, you have to find a pallet that’s the right size to accommodate your packages. Once you’ve found the right fit (literally) you can pick out a pallet that’s in good condition. Steer clear of any stability compromising splitting edges or broken boards. As soon as you’ve found the right pallet, you can move on to the next step
Step 2: Load Your Pallet

This step may seem self-explanatory, but there’s an art to stacking your packages. Make sure that they are as close together as possible, reducing space between units lessens the chance of loosening your finished pallet wrap in transit!
Place your goods as close to the edge of your pallet as you can without going over the edge, to make the most of your space without risking load stability, damage or even wrapping around awkward angles.
Place the larger and heavier items on the bottom of your stack, moving up to lighter and smaller packages as you go.
Step 3: Wrap Your Load

Before you can secure your goods, you need to choose your pallet wrap. There are many different types available that make hand wrapping a pallet a faster and fuss-free process, but make sure you choose one with stretchability and strength. We offer a wide selection that you can browse here.
A handy trick is to peel a couple of feet from your roll and form a rope with around eight inches of wrap, then tie it through and around a corner of the base of your pallet. Start at the bottom of your pallet with at least four layers wrapped around nice and securely.
Step 4: Work Your Way Up

As soon as you’ve snugly wrapped your base, all you need to do is gradually work your way up your stack. Make sure that each layer of pallet wrap overlaps the next one for extra security. Once you’ve reached the top, you simply work your way back down to the base to make sure you get the best stability possible and reduce the chance of any damage to your goods while in transit.
Step 5: Secure Your Pallet Wrap

When you’re sure your pallet is securely wrapped and won’t move around on the way to a destination, it’s time to finish up and secure your pallet wrap. Tear the wrap and tuck it underneath one of the edges, or you can even secure it to the end of the pallet.
Step 6: Test Your Load Stability

As soon as your pallet wrap is safely attached, you’re ready for the final step. It’s time to make sure that your load will stay put in transit. Checking load stability is much easier than you’d think, all it takes is a gentle push to the packages on top of your stack a light push. If they stay put, you’ve successfully wrapped your pallet!
If you’re unsure which pallet wrap is right for you, or if you just have some more questions about how to improve your operation, reach out to our team for a free consultation on how we can help your process.